Saturday 16 August 2014

Free what does it mean

Free what does it mean

I know that how money is for nearly everyone now a days free is a massive impact for keeping purse strings shut.
I could name a lot of companies( which I wont) what put on a free lunch 1x a week to get people in the shop windows
The whole strategy of this is from the out side its looks really full and us humans can be like sheep and follow on not having a clue what the crowd is up to but we need to know!

Free Free Free really? 

After studying over 2 years of how people sell and how the buyers buy I was actually interested in doing this study ( Maybe I am getting old lol) But anyway behavior is really aggressive when it is Christmas time. People just do not care. So they shove,push,growl,sigh,speak very loud. This means nothing as you must have that gift for say your son.
There are all the other days to get angry on like Black Friday now for the last few years I had nearly sold all my stock in 3 hours flat ( again due to the sheep theory I have)

Forget free

The reason I say forget free is because of 1 simple factor it was not  free ( Now I can hear your grey matter working) 

Just give me a moment to explain why this is a case study that happened this year in the January sales. For privacy I will not name the store or family of whom this day really happened . I was also given permission to let people know.

January 2014 Mr and Mrs A went out to grab that great money off deal. So of they went after a hearty breakfast and getting up 4 hours earlier that normal. They was ready for the war on shopping. The weather was below freezing and the roads was wet. they took there time and got to the store they wanted too go to
Inside MR & MRS A was shocked how many people there already grabbing and pushing and lots of shouting at each other (why do they have so much aggression) 

Basically the couple did manage to get a free cup of tea but a massive headache and aching legs due to the  queues been so long. The couple did eventually after 7 hrs of been pushed shoved and growled at head back to their car 

The coupled sighed as they rang their daughter saying they didn't get what they was after and feel so exhausted . She told them to pop to hers and she  will make evening meal.After 2hrs of them not reaching their daughters she rang and rang. No answer 30 mins later the police was at her door . She knew by the way the police looked at her what had happened . 

Her dad has had a heart attack at the wheel and went into a truck which killed them both instantly so there last free thing was a cup of tea how sad is that
The moral of this story is please think when the sales are on Stop pushing and shoving and calm the stress down after all I believe if MR & MRS A was in a relaxing shopping experience they would be here today
My love and thoughts go out to the family and I hope you find peace soon 

picture of a sale sign

Love to you all  Contact as I can offer you lots information for when you are starting up

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